This is the Unshakable Self, the podcast where we explore what it means to live boldly, authentically and unshakable in your power. I’m Seryna Myers, a Sacred Soul Strategist who’s here to help you step into the fullest expression of who you are, no matter where you are or who’s watching. This podcast is your spark to think bigger, dig deeper and take one unapologetic step closer to living your truth.

Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
Ep.42: A message of hope
Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
This episode was a bit unexpected. Instead of what we'd had planned, I asked the guides for a message to share about the current worldwide pandemic. I hope it brings you some hope.
Seryna Myers is a sacred mentor, business oracle, author, and speaker. She helps sacred leaders and visionaries bring their whole hearts and
divine Truths to everything they do.
Website - www.seryna.ca.
Facebook/Instagram/Twitter/Pinterest - @serynamyers
Online courses - serynamyers.podia.com

Wednesday Mar 11, 2020
Ep. 41: Deferring Your Power
Wednesday Mar 11, 2020
Wednesday Mar 11, 2020
Consciously and unconsciously we defer our power every day... sometimes to other people, sometimes to just, stuff. How do we recognize the signs, and find our way back? In this episode, I share how I notice when I've handed my power over to someone or something else, and how I invite it back in.
Seryna Myers is a sacred mentor, business oracle, author, and speaker. She helps sacred leaders and visionaries bring their whole hearts and divine Truths to everything they do.
Website - www.seryna.ca.
Facebook/Instagram/Twitter/Pinterest - @serynamyers
Online courses - serynamyers.podia.com

Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Ep. 40: Nix this belief to spiritually grow
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
In this episode I share the BIGGEST belief one can hold (especially if they've been doing spiritual work for awhile) that will slow or STOP their spiritual growth. I even say it in a snarky teenage voice, so there's that to look forward to, haha.
If you're ready for your next level of soul expansion, you'll want to join me for Due North. Registration is now on, and details are at seryna.ca/duenorth. The journey begins March 15th.
Seryna Myers is a sacred mentor, business oracle, author, and speaker. She helps sacred leaders and visionaries bring their whole hearts and divine Truths to everything they do.
Website - www.seryna.ca.
Facebook/Instagram/Twitter/Pinterest - @serynamyers
Online courses - serynamyers.podia.com

Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
Ep. 39: The Inner Compass
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
Would you go on a road trip, somewhere new and unexplored, without the help of GPS?
I wouldn't.
So why do you navigate life without leveraging the wisdom and intel of your internal GPS: the inner compass?
In this episode you'll learn:
- What the inner compass is
- How to work with it
- How to trust your inner compass to show you the right way
- And a quick recap of the intuitive tools you already have but are likely not using
This is JUST THE SURFACE of this work, and my upcoming program, Due North is a deep exploration of it in a 3-month sacred container. The doors open next week and space is limited, so make sure to reserve your spot: seryna.ca/duenorth.

Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Ep. 38: Energetic support from your angels
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Angels are walking alongside you each and every day, so if you want to work with them, all you've got to do is ask. In this episode, I look at the main culprits for feeling low and which angels you can call on to help balance the energies. (Including the angel every knew mom should know about because working with him is like a double shot of espresso!) I also give you the easiest way to call on angelic support - it's simpler than you think, and it doesn't require you to take notes as you listen.
If you're wanting to deepen your connection with your angels, check out my self-study course, Working With The Angels 101 (serynamyers.podia.com/angels101), and make sure to get on the waitlist for my upcoming program Due North (seryna.ca/duenorth) which will help you cultivate the clarity and confidence you need to trust the messages you receive from your angels, guides, and inner compass.
See you next week!

Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
Ep. 37: Managing your mojo in public
Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
I don't know about you, but in the early days of my intuitive development, my guides often had AWFUL timing when they were doing spiritual maintenance on my energetic field. And before that, my corporate nickname was "little ball of rage" because I'd go around absorbing everyone's stuff and then stew in it. YUCK.
In this episode, I give you some easy and practical tools you can use when you need a little energy clearing, but you're not in the position to meditate, set up an altar, or burn some sage. I've also given you a quick round up of tips from some incredible spiritual teachers that are so easy to do just about anywhere.
Yup: just because it's happening RIGHT NOW, doesn't mean there isn't something you can do about it. :)
If sustaining consistent energy is a struggle for you, you're likely due for a bit of a tune up. Make sure to download my free guide to learn tools that are available to anyone to cut and clear away all the shiz holding you back. https://serynamyers.podia.com/energyguide

Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
Ep. 36: O.P.E. - other people's energy
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
We humans are the most delightful little sponges, aren't we? We just go around soaking up ALL the energy around us and then wonder why we're feeling run down and lethargic.
Silly humans.
In this episode I talk about identifying if it's your energy or not (and why that's important instead of just clearing it). I share about my own experience of picking up people's muck (because I'm not immune) and the toll that it took on me. And why it's so important, especially as healers and helpers, to take care of our mojo (with a recipe for a delicious salt bath that'll clean you right up!)
If you don't already have it, make sure to download The Lightwalker's Guide to Energy Management which gets into this in detail, and lists several ways, for every level of experience, to clear your energy. You can grab that here: https://serynamyers.podia.com/energyguide.

Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Ep. 35 - Awakening Intuition (Meditation)
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
In this episode I guide you through a brief, but powerful meditation to help you open up to your intuitive gifts. Make sure when you do it that you pay special attention to HOW you receive the information you get.
Clairvoyance - sacred seeing. This could be pictures, a video, a memory playing out, a simple word or image that you see, etc.
Clairaudience - sacred hearing. This could be hearing voices (with your ears or in your head), messages via music or poetry, anything you hear.
Clairsentience - sacred feeling. This could be something you feel with your skin (like a presence or an energy), or even a gut reaction response. It's something you will feel.
Claircognizance - sacred knowing. This could be something that you don't know why you know, you just know it to be true (and it didn't come from one of the Clairs mentioned above).
The only way to trust your intuition is to use it regularly. I hope this meditation helps you open up. As always, I'd love to hear how it works out for you. Make sure to share your experience in my Facebook community, The Lightwalker's Path and tell us how it went for you.
As well, if you're interested in expanding your work with your intuition and beyond, make sure you get on the waitlist for my upcoming program, Due North.

Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
Ep 34: Energy Sucking Habits
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
We all have a thing or two that we do to distract ourselves from our daily stuff that contributes to our energy feeling pretty meh. In this episode I get into some of the most common habits, many of which are mine (because yay transparency!) that can be working against you having a supercharged energy tank.
In this episode I also mentioned some additional supports if you're actively working on keeping your energy clear.
From the blog: Seryna.ca/intention-and-creation
Ebook digital download: serynamyers.podia.com/energyguide
Due North: www.seryna.ca/duenorth

Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
Ep. 33 Astrology and Archetypes with Vanessa Couto
Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
In this episode, I talk to Vanessa Couto about her process of marrying astrology with the archetypes and storytelling, to deepen our understanding and connection to the planets. AND she demystifies Mercury Retrograde making it super easy to understand (and lowers the panic you've been hyped to believe).
This is an edited version of this episode, you can catch the full conversation on my YouTube channel.
You can find Vanessa and her work on her website, www.vanessacouto.com or on FB and IG: @vanessacouto25.